Strength #1
Problem Solver

Watch Outs

  • Overwhelm with Abundance of Ideas: While having many ideas can be exciting, it can also lead to overwhelm - for you and others. It may become difficult to decide which idea to pursue, and others may find it challenging to keep up with your pace.
  • Not All Ideas are Feasible: Remember that while ideas are abundant, time, resources, and energy are not. It's important to recognize that not all ideas can or should be pursued.
  • Difficulty in Conveying Ideas: Because you naturally see connections that others may not, it can sometimes be challenging to effectively communicate your ideas. Ensure you're explaining your thought processes clearly and thoroughly.
  • Overlooking Details: With a focus on the 'big picture' and connections, you might sometimes overlook the details or practical elements of implementation.
  • Struggling with Repetitive or Mundane Tasks: Your strength lies in novelty and innovation, so routine or repetitive tasks might be challenging or demotivating for you.

Strengths Dynamics

Peace Keeper + Self-Believer
My confidence allows me to persevere independently, while my desire for harmony makes me a valuable team player.

Peace Keeper + Time Keeper
I can boost a team’s efficiency by instilling both practical and emotional guidelines/boundaries.

Peace Keeper + Problem Solver
My knack for solving problems reassures others and helps restore harmony.

Peace Keeper + Catalyst
My desire for constant action can produce friction, but my ability to create harmony around me helps me mitigate these tensions.