Strength #1
Problem Solver

Brainstormer or Strategist

Brainstormers tend to think outside the box, while Strategists love to explore alternative ways of reaching their goals. These types of people intuitively challenge the status quo. In contrast, those with the Peace Keeper strength often prefer to stay within boundaries. They don’t enjoy rocking the boat and thus creating waves in the existing peace and stability. These types of partnerships tend to push Peace Keepers beyond their comfort zones, stretching their imaginations and broadening their perspectives.


Intuitively, Commanders bring clarity by defining what is black and what is white in each challenging situation. This polarization helps steer people away from congregating in grey zones. Strong Peace Keepers, on the other hand, create clarity by taking into account the opinions of others. They reach consensus and encourage those involved to congregate around it. Both methods have their place. Whenever a team’s goal is to respond quickly in a dynamic environment and stay cutting-edge, the Commander’s decisive method will likely work best. When the overall goal is to build team stability and strengthen relationships, the Peace Keeper’s approach is more suitable. This powerful partnership between Peace Keepers and Commanders truly shines in areas where both types of goals are to be delicately balanced.

Career Applications

  • Careers like diplomats or mediators, where Peace Keepers can leverage their natural sense of tact, can offer fulfilment without unwanted daily conflict.
  • Your talents flourish in organizational cultures where consensus is at the core of all decisions.
  • Collaborative environments, where you are surrounded by others dedicated to finding win-win solutions, bring out the best in you.
  • Seek environments that provide structure and security as opposed to uncertainty and chaos. The latter two are likely to drain your energy as you constantly search for the status quo.